ELISA Test Kits for Poty (Potyvirus Group)
Host Reaction: See Validation Report regarding host reactions observed with Scaevola and cucurbit samples.
Agdia's Potyvirus Group test detects most aphid-transmitted members of the Potyvirus Group. This test is based on a monoclonal antibody (PTY 1) developed by the USDA Florist and Nursery Crops Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, USA. The broad reactivity of this antibody is possible because it reacts to a sequence of amino acids on the virus coat protein which is highly conserved among aphid-transmitted potyviruses. This test is intended to be used as a general screening tool. We recommend confirmation of positive results by another method (PCR, etc.)
Potyviruses are the largest group of plant pathogens and affect hundreds of crops. Viruses within this genus are transmitted through one or more of the following means: aphid, seed, mechanical, graft and pollen. Potyviruses can have a significant impact on crop production including loss of yield, unmarketable product and regulatory impacts.
If you would prefer to add a field-deployable assay to your testing toolkit, please check out Agdia's Poty ImmunoStrips®
Click here for other product documents such as the Reagent Set User Guide or PathoScreen Kit User Guide, click on the Documents tab for the full list.
See below for a summary of our ELISA format offerings. Not all formats are available for every test. See the Included Items tab for full details.
- Reagent Set: Includes coating antibody, enzyme conjugate, and uncoated 96-well plate(s). Popular choice for established high-throughput laboratories.
- PathoScreen Complete Kit: Includes pre-coated 96-well plate(s), enzyme conjugate, positive control, and all required buffers. Easiest format to get started with ELISA and requires the least amount of time and labor to run.
- Capture Antibody: Only includes capture antibody. This is a partial component not usually ordered by itself. Unavailable on website. Call or email us to order.
- Enzyme Conjugate: Includes enzyme conjugate and 96-well plate(s). This is a partial component not usually ordered by itself. Unavailable on website. Call or email us to order.
Reagent Set
Included in Reagent Set:
- Detection antibody
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- 96-well microtiter plates, solid* (*strip in single plate set)
- User Guide
Required but Not Included:
- Buffer Pack (ACC 00444)
- PNP substrate buffer, 5X concentrate
- PNP substrate tablets, 5 mg each
- PBST buffer, powder
- ECI buffer, 5X concentrate
- Indirect sample extraction buffer, powder
- Buffer Formulations from Chemicals
- Logsheet
PathoScreen Kit
Included in PathoScreen Kit:
- Detection antibody
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- Indirect sample extraction buffer, 10X concentrate
- ECI buffer, 5X concentrate
- PNP substrate tablets, 5 mg each
- PNP substrate buffer, 5X concentrate
- Positive control
- 96-well microtiter plates, solid* (*strip in single plate set)
- PBST buffer, 20X concentrate, 50 mL
- User Guide
Required but Not Included:
Coating Antibody (Format not available)
Enzyme Conjugate
Included in Enzyme Conjugate:
- Detection antibody
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- Reagent Set User Guide
Required but Not Included:
- Only a partial component; see above for complete options
For a full list of included items, including sizes, please see the Content List.
Validation Report Summary
Test Label: Alkaline Phosphatase |
Full Validation Report |
Analytical Sensitivity |
Limit of detection: 1:194,400 dilution of infected tissue (pathogen titer unknown) |
Potyviruses Detected1 | |
Virus Name | Species Name |
Alstroemeria mosaic virus (AlMV)2 | Potyvirus alstromeriae |
Amaranthus leaf mottle virus (AmLMV)25 | Potyvirus amaranthi |
Angelica virus Y (AnVY) | Potyvirus angelicae |
Apium virus Y (ApVY)3 | Potyvirus apii |
Asparagus virus 1 (AV-1) | Potyvirus asparagi |
Basella rugose mosaic virus (BaRMV) | Potyvirus basellae |
Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) | Potyvirus phaseoli |
Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)4 | Potyvirus phaseovulgaris |
Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV)21,22 | Potyvirus phaseoluteum |
Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) | Potyvirus betaceum |
Begonia flower breaking virus (BFBV)5 | Potyvirus begoniae |
Brugmansia mosaic virus (BruMV) | Potyvirus brugmansiae |
Brugmansia suaveolens mottle virus (BsMoV) | Potyvirus suaveolens |
Carnation vein mottle virus (CVMV) | Potyvirus dianthi |
Celery mosaic virus (CeMV) | Potyvirus apiumtessellati |
Chickpea yellow mosaic virus (CpYMV)19 | N/A |
Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV)6 | Potyvirus capsivenamaculae |
Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV)7,8 | Potyvirus trifolii |
Colombian datura virus (CDV) | Potyvirus trompetae |
Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) | Potyvirus vignae |
Dasheen mosaic virus (DsMV) | Potyvirus dasheenis |
Euphorbia ringspot virus (EuRV) | Potyvirus euphorbiae |
Freesia mosaic virus (FreMV)9 | Potyvirus freesiae |
Hippeastrum mosaic virus (HiMV)10 | Potyvirus hippeastri |
Hyacinth mosaic virus (HyMV) | Potyvirus hyacinthi |
Impatiens flower break virus (IFBV) | Potyvirus impatiensis |
Iris mild mosaic virus (IMMV) | Potyvirus iristenuis |
Iris severe mosaic virus (ISMV) | Potyvirus iriseverum |
Johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV)11 | Potyvirus halapensis |
Konjac mosaic virus (KoMV) | Potyvirus konjac |
Kudzu chlorotic ring blotch virus (KudCRBV)24 | N/A |
Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV)12 | Potyvirus ampeloprasi |
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) | Potyvirus lactucae |
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) | Potyvirus zeananus |
Malva vein clearing virus (MVCV) | Potyvirus malvae |
Meadow saffron breaking virus (MSBV) | Potyvirus colchici |
Murraya koenigii potyvirus13 | N/A |
Muscari mosaic virus19 | N/A |
Narcissus late season yellows virus (NLYSV) | Potyvirus narcissuslineae |
Narcissus yellow stripe virus (NYSV) | Potyvirus narcissus |
Nerine yellow stripe virus (NeYSV) | Potyvirus nerinis |
Omphalodes virus Y (OmVY)19 | N/A |
Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV) | Potyvirus cepae |
Ornithogalum mosaic virus (OrMV) | Potyvirus ornithogalitessellati |
Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)14 | Potyvirus papayanuli |
Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV) | Potyvirus passiflorae |
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) | Potyvirus pisumsemenportati |
Peanut mottle virus (PeMoV)15 | Potyvirus arachidis |
Pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) | Potyvirus capsimaculae |
Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV)16 | Potyvirus capsiflavi |
Plum pox virus (PPV) | Potyvirus plumpoxi |
Pokeweed mosaic virus (PkMV) | Potyvirus phytolaccae |
Potato virus A (PVA) | Potyvirus atuberosi |
Potato virus V (PVV) | Potyvirus vetuberosi |
Potato virus Y (PVY) | Potyvirus yituberosi |
Ranunculus mild mosaic virus (RanMMV) | Potyvirus ranunculitenuis |
Saffron latent virus (SaLV)23 | Potyvirus croci |
Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) | Potyvirus glycitessellati |
Spiranthes mosaic virus 3 (SpiMV 3)17 | Potyvirus spiranthesis |
Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) | Potyvirus sacchari |
Sunflower mosaic virus (SuMV) | Potyvirus helitessellati |
Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) | Potyvirus batataplumei |
Sweet potato latent virus (SPLV) | Potyvirus batatalatentis |
Tobacco etch virus (TEV) | Potyvirus nicotianainsculpentis |
Tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV) | Potyvirus nicotianavenamaculae |
Tradescantia mild mosaic virus (TraMMV)26 | Potyvirus tradescantiae |
Tricyrtis virus Y (TrVY)19 | N/A |
Tuberose mild mosaic virus (TMMV) | Potyvirus polianthis |
Tulip breaking virus (TBV) | Potyvirus tulipadefractum |
Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV)18 | Potyvirus rapae |
Vallota mosaic virus (ValMV) | Potyvirus vallotae |
Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) | Potyvirus citrulli |
Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV) | Potyvirus yamplacidum |
Yam mosaic virus (YMV) | Potyvirus yamtesselati |
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) | Potyvirus cucurbitaflavitesselati |
1The list above represents Potyviruses that have been shown to be detected by the Potyvirus
group ELISA test and does not represent all viruses that may be detected. If you have confirmed detection of a
Potyvirus not on this list, please contact us. We would like to work with you to further validate the
Potyvirus group ELISA detection capabilities.
2Alstroemeria streak virus (AlStV) is now known as Alstroemeria mosaic virus (AlMV).
3Apium virus Y (ApVY) is reported to
be detected.
4Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BlCMV) is now known as Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV).
5Begonia flower breaking virus (BFBV) is reported to be detected.
6Chilli vein-banding mottle virus (CVbMV) is now known as Chilli veinal mottle virus
7Most isolates of Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV) are detected.
8Statice virus Y (StaVY) is now known as Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV).
9Spiranthes mosaic virus 2 (SpiMV 2) is now known as Freesia mosaic virus (FreMV).
10Hippeastrum mosaic virus (HiMV) is reported to be detected.
11Weak reaction observed with in-house isolates of JGMV. May not be reliably detected with
low titer samples.
12Garlic mosaic virus (GarMV) is now known as Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV).
13Murraya koenigii potyvirus, a tentatively proposed potyvirus, is reported to be
14Most isolates of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) are detected.
15Some isolates of Peanut mottle virus (PeMoV) are detected.
16Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV) is reported to
be detected.
17Spiranthes mosaic virus 3 (SpiMV 3) is reported to be
18Tulip chlorotic blotch virus (TCBV) is now known as Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV).
19Related, unclassified virus.
20Zucchini tigre mosaic virus has been reported to
be detected via western blot utilzing Agdia’s antibody.
21White lupin mosaic virus (WLMV) is now known as Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV).
22Pea mosaic virus (PMV) is now known as Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV).
23Saffron latent virus (SaLV) has been reported to
be detected.
24Kudzu chlorotic ring blotch virus (KudCRBV), a tentatively proposed potyvirus, has been reported to be detected.
25Amaranthus leaf mottle virus (AmLMV) has been reported to be detected.
26Tradescantia mild mosaic virus (TraMMV) has been reported to be detected.
Cross-reactions | |
Virus Name | Species Name |
Ryegrass mosaic virus (RgMV) | Rymovirus lolii |
For a list of validated hosts, please see the Full Validation Report.
Option | Unit | Purchase |
Poty Reagent Set, 96 Testwells
SRA 27200/0096
Shown in cart
Poty Reagent Set, 500 Testwells
SRA 27200/0500
Shown in cart
Poty Reagent Set, 1000 Testwells
SRA 27200/1000
Shown in cart
Poty Reagent Set, 5000 Testwells
SRA 27200/5000
Shown in cart
Poty PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 96 Testwells
PSA 27200/0096
Shown in cart
Poty PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 288 Testwells
PSA 27200/0288
Shown in cart
Poty PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 480 Testwells
PSA 27200/0480
Shown in cart