AmplifyRP® Discovery Kits and Master Mixes
AmplifyRP Discovery Kits provide all the reagents necessary to amplify DNA at a single operating temperature (39°C) lyophilized into individual reaction pellets. The end-user can design their own primers and probes for a specific target, mix them with our amplification reagents, and get results (generally in less than 30 minutes). RNA amplification is also possible with the addition of reverse transcriptase.
Simple testing process:
- Make a Master Mix using a supplied rehydration buffer and the primers & probe that you design
- Rehydrate the reaction pellets included in the kit using the Master Mix
- Heat the reaction at 39°C for 15 to 30 minutes. This step may be done using a portable heat block for end-point detection (Acceler8) OR using a portable fluorometer which will also display results in real-time (XRT)
- Get results!
- Crude sample extraction. No DNA or RNA purification required
- Amplify trace levels of template in minutes
- Portable. Deployable in the laboratory or the field
- Quick results. Total assay time less than 30 minutes including sample prep
- Primer / probe design similar to PCR methods and is backed by a dedicated technical support group
- Collaborative and / or contract assay design opportunities
AmpliFire® Isothermal Fluorometer
Catalog No.: AFR 60400
AmpliFire is a portable, battery-powered, isothermal fluorometer that performs amplification and detection in as little as 10 minutes. Featuring an intuitive touch screen interface, integrated analysis software, and barcode scanning for protocol setup, AmpliFire offers unparalleled simplicity for otherwise complex diagnostics.
AmplifyRP® LAMP Master Mix
Master mix based on LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification). For detection of any DNA (or RNA with addition of RT) targets. Lyophilization-ready liquid formulation. Available sizes: 100 or 500 reactions.
AmplifyRP® XRT Discovery Kit
Catalog No.: XCS 99200/0048
Master mix kit based on RPA (Recombinase Polymerase Amplification). For real-time detection of plant pathogens and endogenous plant genes. Includes 48 lyophilized reactions.