Membrane Kit for PSTVd

IMPORTANT: U.S. law requires that plant materials entering the U.S. from foreign countries are first inspected by a USDA APHIS inspection station. This permit packet facilitates that process and is required to submit membranes to our laboratory. Membranes that are shipped absent a permit packet will be destroyed upon arrival. To order a NAK Permit Packet please click here.
Intended Use:
This test can be used to detect Potato spindle tuber viroid in all parts of the plant, including leaves, sprouts, tubers, stems, roots and true seed.
The PSTVd nucleic acid assay allows the user to extract and spot samples and then return the spotted membrane to Agdia for processing. The nucleic acid assay includes Ames buffer, necessary for sample extraction, and a pretreated nylon membrane on which to spot the samples (up to 96). The user will also need research grade chloroform for sample extraction.
When the membrane is returned, Agdia performs the chemiluminescent hybridization and prepares a formal report containing the results. Results will be reported by fax or email within four business days. A final written report will be mailed. Membrane processing is included in the assay price.
- Nylon membrane
- Ames buffer
- User Guide
- Membrane submission form