ELISA Test Kits for Phyt (Phytophthora)
The Phytophthora (Phyt) ELISA test system is intended for use with plant samples exhibiting symptoms of Phytophthora infection. This test can also be used to test fungal culture samples. The Phytophthora ELISA detects Phytophthora to the genus level and cannot differentiate species. For a full list of species that have experimentally detected, click here.
This test is the approved high throughput screening method in a U.S. national survey for Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of sudden oak death disease.
If you would prefer to add a field-deployable assay to your testing toolkit, please check out Agdia's Phyt ImmunoStrips®
Click here for other product documents such as the Reagent Set User Guide or PathoScreen Kit User Guide, click on the Documents tab for the full list.
See below for a summary of our ELISA format offerings. Not all formats are available for every test. See the Included Items tab for full details.
- Reagent Set: Includes coating antibody, enzyme conjugate, and uncoated 96-well plate(s). Popular choice for established high-throughput laboratories.
- PathoScreen Complete Kit: Includes pre-coated 96-well plate(s), enzyme conjugate, positive control, and all required buffers. Easiest format to get started with ELISA and requires the least amount of time and labor to run.
- Capture Antibody: Only includes capture antibody. This is a partial component not usually ordered by itself. Unavailable on website. Call or email us to order.
- Enzyme Conjugate: Includes enzyme conjugate and 96-well plate(s). This is a partial component not usually ordered by itself. Unavailable on website. Call or email us to order.
Reagent Set
Included in Reagent Set:
- Capture antibody
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- RUB6, 1X Ready to use
- General extract buffer 2, GEB2 powder
- 96-well microtiter plates, solid* (*strip in single plate set)
- Reagent Set User Guide
Required but Not Included:
- Buffer Pack (ACC 00113)
- Carbonate coating buffer, 10X concentrate
- PNP substrate buffer, 5X concentrate
- PNP substrate tablets, 5 mg each
- PBST buffer, powder
- Buffer Formulations from Chemicals
- Buffer Instructions
- Logsheet
PathoScreen Kit
Included in PathoScreen Kit:
- Antibody-coated 96-well microtiter plates
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- RUB6, 1X Ready to use
- PNP substrate tablets, 5 mg each
- PNP substrate buffer, 5X concentrate
- Positive control
- PBST buffer, 20X concentrate, 50 mL
- General extract buffer 2, GEB2 powder
- PathoScreen User Guide
Required but Not Included:
Coating Antibody
Included in Coating Antibody:
- Capture antibody
- 96-well microtiter plates, solid
Required but Not Included:
- Only a partial component; see above for complete options
Enzyme Conjugate
Included in Enzyme Conjugate:
- Alkaline phosphatase enzyme conjugate
- RUB6, 1X Ready to use
- Reagent Set User Guide
Required but Not Included:
- Only a partial component; see above for complete options
For a full list of included items, including sizes, please see the Content List.
Validation Report Summary
Test Label: Alkaline Phosphatase |
Full Validation Report |
Analytical Sensitivity |
Limit of detection: 1:1,280 dilution of infected tissue (pathogen titer unknown) |
Phytophthora Species Detected1 | |
Phytophthora alni | Phytophthora alticola-type |
Phytophthora asparagi | Phytophthora bisheria |
Phytophthora boehmeriae | Phytophthora cactorum |
Phytophthora cajani | Phytophthora cambivora |
Phytophthora canlensis | Phytophthora capsici |
Phytophthora cinnamomi var parvispora | Phytophthora cinnamomi var robiniae |
Phytophthora citricola | Phytophthora citrophthora |
Phytophthora cryptogea | Phytophthora drechsleri |
Phytophthora erythroseptica | Phytophthora europaea |
Phytophthora fragariae | Phytophthora glovera |
Phytophthora gonapodyides | Phytophthora heveae |
Phytophthora hibernalis | Phytophthora infestans |
Phytophthora kernoviae | Phytophthora lagoariana |
Phytophthora lateralis | Phytophthora lavandula |
Phytophthora meadii | Phytophthora medicaginis |
Phytophthora megasperma | Phytophthora melonis |
Phytophthora nemorosa | Phytophthora nicotianae |
Phytophthora niederhauserii | Phytophthora palmivora |
Phytophthora pistaciae | Phytophthora porri |
Phytophthora pseudotsuga | Phytophthora quercina |
Phytophthora ramorum | Phytophthora richardiae |
Phytophthora rubi | Phytophthora sinensis |
Phytophthora siskiyouensis | Phytophthora sojae |
Phytophthora syringae | Phytophthora tropicalis |
Phytophthora uliginosa |
1The list above represents the Phytophthora species that have been shown to be detected by the Phytophthora genus ELISA test and does not represent all species that may be detected. If you have confirmed detection of a Phytophthora species not on this list, please contact us. We would like to work with you to further validate the Phytophthora genus ELISA detection capabilities.
Cross-reactions | |
Phytopythium litorale | Plasmopara halstedii |
Plasmopara viburni | Pythium dissotocum2 |
Pythium irregulare2 | Pythium myriotylum2 |
Pythium olegandrum2 |
2This test has not been validated for use as a tool for routine detection of Pythium and therefore is not recommended for such use.
For a list of validated hosts, please see the Full Validation Report.
Option | Unit | Purchase |
Phyt Reagent Set, 96 Testwells
SRA 92601/0096
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Phyt Reagent Set, 500 Testwells
SRA 92601/0500
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Phyt Reagent Set, 1000 Testwells
SRA 92601/1000
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Phyt Reagent Set, 5000 Testwells
SRA 92601/5000
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Phyt PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 96 Testwells
PSA 92601/0096
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Phyt PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 288 Testwells
PSA 92601/0288
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Phyt PathoScreen® Complete Kit, 480 Testwells
PSA 92601/0480
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