511 items found containing elisa
PathoScreen® Kit for Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Rhizoctonia solani (Rhiz)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Squash mosaic virus (SqMV)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Cucumber mosaic virus -subgroup I (CMV I)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Chrysanthemum virus B (CVB)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.


ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288, 480 and 4800 test wells.

PathoScreen® Kit for Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs)

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 96, 288 and 480 test wells.

Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)

Catalog No.: ACC 00300/0050

Bt-Cry3A ELISA Kit

Catalog No.: PSA 05900/0480

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in 480 test wells.

Bt-Cry1F ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.


ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.


ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

RoundUp Ready® ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry1F Quantitative ELISA Kit

Catalog No.: PSP 11700/0480

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in 480 test wells.

Bt-Cry34Ab1 Quantitative ELISA Kit

Catalog No.: PSP 11500/0480

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in 480 test wells.

Bt-Cry3Bb1 ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry34Ab1 ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry2A ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry1Ab/1Ac ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

eCry3.1Ab ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry2Ab & Bt-Cry3Bb1 ELISA Kit

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in sizes of 480 and 4800 test wells.

mBt-Cry3A ELISA Kit

Catalog No.: PSP 06700/4800

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in 4800 test wells.

Bt-Cry1Ac & Bt-Cry2A ELISA Kit

Catalog No.: PSM 14900/4800

ELISA Complete Kit. Available in 4800 test wells.